10 Things I've Learned As A New Daddy This Week (Part 1)

  1. Babies in utero don't listen to their parents. Apparently "Stay in there for another 5 weeks, or 5 hours even" means make an appearance as early as possible.
  2. Clothes for a premature baby (Mara was 32 weeks and weighed 3lbs) are the cutest things ever. Period.
  3. It is any new fathers rite of passage to be peed, pooped and sicked up on by their child in the first days of them being here.
  4. Breast milk baby sick smells like really bad Mac 'n' Cheese.
  5. Watching Mara sleep is better than watching TV.
  6. In just ten days, I now feel confident enough to assemble a breast pump in the dark with my eyes closed.
  7. What a speculum is. And how forceps work. Sweet f**king Jesus, I'm so glad I'm a guy!
  8. That "new baby smell" is slightly intoxicating. I'll elaborate... Not the smell occasionally wafting from her nappy, she just has this awesome aroma that I can't describe.
  9. Sleep is a luxury and should not be wasted. I would quite like to be wasted and then I might get some sleep!
  10. The overwhelming feeling of love that flushes through you the minute your baby arrives is indescribable.
And here's a bonus one - 

  11. It is not appropriate, or well recieved, to complain to your wife that the hospital hand sanitizer and alcohol gel has given you dry skin on your hands and arms when she has been ripped open and sewn back together (her words, not mine!)

There will be a proper blog coming sometime soon when I have a chance to sit down and actually write it!! Keep a lookout!
